These chicken coops were an eyesore. In the beginning, we had discussed with Ted about which elements of the property he would remove and which we would keep. We knew that the chicken coops were pretty ugly, non functional, and in a spot that we anticipated using for the RV (eventually). However, we used them as a bargaining chip - told Ted that we would keep them and the "garden fence" in exchange for him removing the hog pen, the yard waste, and the random pile of junk in the woods. This, we all thought, was a good deal.
What we didn't realize was what a pain it would be to demo the chicken coops. At first we had some kids come and sledgehammer it for enjoyment and exercise. While they didn't actually do much to the structure, it was super funny to see them working on the farm, wrecking things.
Chris and his buddy spent the better part of an afternoon whacking at the coops and removing whatever parts they could. Then he went at it with a sawzall and substantially weakened the structure. The final step was this lovely moment, caught delightfully on film:
Chris and his buddy spent the better part of an afternoon whacking at the coops and removing whatever parts they could. Then he went at it with a sawzall and substantially weakened the structure. The final step was this lovely moment, caught delightfully on film:
And, of course, the next step (after three loads of wood in the truck) was this: